Tomorrow is Addie's birthday. I can't believe it has already been a year since she joined our family!
I haven't had a chance to post any this week. I was sick a couple of days, crazy busy a couple of others, and on top of everything else my laptop is acting up. I will be back with a longer post and more photos once I have my laptop working again. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and 4th of July!!!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy birthday to my sweet Adeline!!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Busy busy
With only 1 week to go before Addie's birthday party, I have been a busy little bee trying to put everything together.
Right now Addie is falling in love with baby dolls. I have been looking for the perfect baby for her for almost a month,but just couldn't find the right one. So me being me, I decided I would just make one myself. How hard could it be? Sure, I have never sewn anything more complicated than curtains AND my sewing machine just died, but that won't be a problem. Well, one new sewing machine, a couple of days, and several frustrated attempts at fine tuning the pattern (because not only was I making the doll, I was also making my own pattern), we had baby Evie. For a first attempt I was so proud. And then I realized that you could see the threading that is on the backside of her face right through. Good news is I was able to give the less than perfect Evie to Addie early and she really loves her. I am now working on her second baby to give her on her birthday in hopes that she will love this one just as much.
Lots of love and slobbery baby kisses for baby Evie. New baby in the works is in the bottom right corner. |
The girls all like this doll so much that I now have orders for 6 more after I finish up Addie's birthday baby. And by orders I mean demands from Tressie, Reagan, and my niece for babies for themselves. And yes, Michele, yours is in there too. :)
Clockwise from top left: tinsel garland wreath, bubble/pinwheel favors, pom poms, circle garland, cupcake toppers, and pretty handmade pinwheels |
Other than experimental doll making, I have been trying to get a lot of the odds and ends for her party together. You see that wreath? It cost me $4 and 5 minutes. I saw some tinsel garland at Dollar Tree and thought it might make a cute wreath. I already had a straw wreath at home that I wasn't using, so I just wrapped the garlands around it and VOILA! I have a happy, sparkly, festive wreath perfect for July 4th and our Addie's birthday. For the favors, I got some big bottles of bubbles, wrapped them with some pretty paper, added a tag, and then added in a pinwheel. Simple but I really like how they came out. We have some pom poms that are currently living on the mantle until it's time to put them up for the party. My kitchen doorway has been taken over by these circle garlands that I made. At the party, these will be over the table with all the sweets, along with the pom poms. I love how the circle garlands and cupcake toppers came out. I ordered a package from Dimpleprints and used it to print out all of the tags, banners, and signs. It was a very affordable way to really personalize her party. I still have to put together the pendant banners and put together the cupcake toppers and pinwheels, and a few other things, but things are definitely coming together. I am trying to do as much in advance as possible so that all I will have to worry about next week is the actual decorating, doing some major cleaning, and a ton of baking. I can't believe my baby is about to turn 1!!!
And in celebration of her first birthday, Addie decided to show us something new.. Her first steps!! I can't believe how big she is getting! Why can't they stay little forever?
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day!!
Father's Day 2010 Reagan, Darin, and Tressie |
July 2010 Darin, me, and Addie |
July 2010 Juan, Tressie, Reagan, and Julieta |
In a related note, my house has remained clean for over 24 hours. That is about how long they have been gone. Coincidence??
January 2009 Grandaddy, Reagan, and Tressie |
September 2010 Paw Paw and Addie |
And a very happy day to all the other daddys, grandpas, uncles, friends, father figures, single mommas, and everyone else out there too! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
One proud momma!
This is my Tressie with her game ball. Yup, she got the game ball!!! I am incredibly proud of our whole team but I am going to take just a moment to brag on my baby. Tressie hit every time she was at bat, got several girls out when she was playing 1st base, and ended up hitting the game winning ball. Her coaches awarded her the game ball. I could not be prouder!! This is her first year playing softball and she is loving it. She made the all star team and now she is playing so well. Have I mentioned how proud I am???
Here's one of Tressie's hits. She actually made it to 2nd on that hit but I stopped
recording too soon. And yes, that is me that's screaming like crazy in the video. :)
Both teams did so awesome! Our team was ahead most of the game until the 4th inning when we got tied 12-12. They had already decided to end the game at the end of the 4th inning since there was a lot of lightning in the sky. Our team was up to bat and we got 2 girls on base, with Tressie and 2 other girls left to bat. Tressie made a great hit and LeLe was able to make it home. I am sooo proud of all of the girls. I can't wait to see our Americans play again!!
My phone/camera died right before the 4th inning so sadly I was not able to get any photos or video of the game winning play but here are a couple of other photos that I snapped today.
Coach MawMaw and her PG American All Stars |
Before the game |
Playing 1st base |
This very proud momma is also a very tired momma! I am off to bed but just had to brag a little (ok, a lot) first. I hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Making Father's Day crafts with the kiddos
Father's Day is fast approaching so Tressie and Reagan were wanting to make something for their dad. I found this tutorial for making a paperweight. The recipe is very similar to what we used last year to make salt dough ornaments for our Christmas tree. The girls really enjoyed that so we decided that this would make a perfect project to make for their daddy. The girls chose to do one each with their hand prints. It didn't come out exactly as planned but they were both happy with the results and I am sure that their Daddy will cherish them.
For each paperweight you need 1/4 cup salt, 1/2 cup flour, and 1/4 cup water. We made 2 paperweights, so doubled the recipe. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Mix the salt, flour, and water. Shape the dough into a ball and then flatten on the cookie sheet to about 1/2 inch thickness. Put your hand print into the dough or whatever design you might choose to do. Then bake on cookie sheet at 250* for 2-2 1/2 hours until completely dry.
After they completely cooled, the girls painted their paperweights. Reagan likes to use a lot of paint (she used about half a tube of pink paint just on this paperweight!) so it soaked up into the paperweight and made it puffy and crackled so the hand print was much less defined than it normally would be. Tressie used a more "normal" amount of paint and hers did not have that problem at all. We fixed Reagan's by tracing the hand print with a paint marker. Of course she had to draw on fingernails. :)
They finished them up by adding their name and year on the back. Now let's just see if they can keep it a surprise until Sunday. What do you have planned for Father's Day?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Tuesday Tunes
Tuesday is cleaning day at our house. And as everyone knows, you can't clean without some music to help you along. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a VERY eclectic taste in music. This weekend my husband was making fun of me when my ipod went from Meatloaf to Lady Gaga to Blake Shelton to Eminem to Warrant and then to Buddy Holly. Yeah, eclectic....
Well, this is the playlist I am listening to at the moment. I've got some Eric Hutchinson, Counting Crows, Weezer, Augustana, Lily Allen, Weezer, and Cake rocking, just to name a few. What are you listening to today?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Let's plan a pretty party!
Well, that's what I am trying to do! I can't believe that my baby girl will be one in just a couple weeks. Our little firecracker was born on the forth of July, so it was a pretty easy decision to make the color theme red, white, and blue. I'm trying to keep it pretty and girly, and not so patriotic. Now, I have no problem with being patriotic, I just want it to clearly be my baby's birthday party and not just another July 4th party. So here is part of my inspiration board.
There is no "theme" to it, other than the colors. But there will be plenty of banners, pinwheels, and food. Here is a peek at what I have been working on. There is still a lot to do, but I think that I am finally done with most of the triangle cutting and circle punching. Now it's just a matter of taping, gluing, and putting everything together. And there will be a lot of cooking and baking closer to her birthday. It's a lot of work for a day that she won't even remember but she is so worth it.
There is no "theme" to it, other than the colors. But there will be plenty of banners, pinwheels, and food. Here is a peek at what I have been working on. There is still a lot to do, but I think that I am finally done with most of the triangle cutting and circle punching. Now it's just a matter of taping, gluing, and putting everything together. And there will be a lot of cooking and baking closer to her birthday. It's a lot of work for a day that she won't even remember but she is so worth it.
![]() |
The invitation |
Making banners and pinwheels |
Fingerprint tree that I painted for all the guests to sign. It will look perfect hanging on her bedroom wall to remember her special day. |
That's all I have for today! I hope everyone has a beautiful and magical Monday!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Our month in review
This is going to be pretty picture heavy, but this is what we've been up to for the past few weeks...
I quit my job and dyed my hair bright red to celebrate. What? That's not the traditional way to celebrate quitting your job to become a stay at home momma?? Oh, well, too late now.
Our Hammerz were on the news when they started playing again a few weeks after the tornado that hit our town.
Then they won first place in their league!!
The ceremonies lasted way too long and the girls were exhausted when we got home. Tressie made all stars! I am so proud of both the girls!!
I made a mini album for our wonderful Coach MawMaw and we all gave it to her at the end of season party at Tine's house. She really was the best coach that I could have asked for. She was so patient with the kids and really made the game fun for them. And I'm not just saying that because she also happens to be my sister in law. ;) This was Tressie and Reagan's first year playing softball but I am sure that it will not be their last. Tressie is already gearing up to play All Stars on MawMaw's American team and I can't wait to see her out there again! Reagan decided to forgo All Stars and play on the swings instead. I can't say I blame her. It's hot out there!!!
The girls had a blast at their end of season party with the rest of our little Hammerz. We truly did have the best group of girls, parents, and coaches this year.
I dyed my hair (accidentally) black. It came out way too dark when I was trying to cover up the red but it works for now. I'm sure that it will be changed soon enough.
Reagan's room got cleaned. As sad as it is, this happens so infrequently that it is something totally
blogworthy. Now that I am home full time we are working on keeping the house up better so hopefully it will stay a permanent thing. It's stayed clean the past 2 weeks. I just hope it will stay this way.
Addie got to play in the yard so that I could snap some pictures for her birthday invitation. I can't believe my baby girl is going to be a year old!! We made some cupcakes along with a ton of other food (I am talking leftovers for DAYS!) and had the in-laws over for Memorial Day.
Miss Addie found a Hershey Kiss and was discovered hiding under the table covered in chocolate. Who knew one little Kiss could make such a mess??
It has been soooo hot out lately!! So there has been a lot of this going on. Skating in the basement and living room dance parties. We turn on the music channels on tv and dance off some energy for a bit. Not exactly the same as running and playing outside but with 90* plus weather, it's just too hot for all that.
Yesterday the girls and I went to their cousin Emily's 10th birthday party with Haley and Nana. Fun was had by all! I really do love all of my husband's family. I really have been blessed with wonderful in laws in addition to my amazing family.
Other than that, I have been working on piecing together Addie's birthday party, scrapping and crafting some, cleaning and cooking a lot. Between the kids wrecking the house on a daily basis and trying to make up for year's worth of mess that accumulates when Mommy and Daddy both work full time. I am just trying to get everything up the par but it's taking some time. I am finally making progress on the living room, kitchen, and scrapbook/cabbie/play room (that's a lot of slashes). I will probably wait until after Addie's birthday to start painting the living room and scrapbook room, but that is definitely on the list. This post is already pretty long so I will do a separate one later this week of some of the house updates, scrapbooking, and birthday things. For now I am off to make some pizza with hubby and the kiddos.
So... I have a blog
My family and I just took a huge leap of faith and I quit my job to be a stay home mom of our 3 crazy little girls. So now I am taking another little leap and starting a blog. It will probably be a little of this, a little of that. Just a mish mosh of my crazy crafty life trying to survive and thrive as a stay at home mom to 3 incredible, beautiful, energetic little girls. I doubt anyone is interested about reading about my life, except maybe my dog Lucy, but she's can't use the computer so that narrows it down even more. :) More than anything, I just want a place where I can look back and remember how life was during this wonderful, crazy time in our lives. So if you did somehow stumble upon this blog, thanks for reading and please bear with me!
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